Back when I was still quite the regular on Facebook (it honestly is addictive), one of the pages I “liked” and subsequently followed was that of a business-minded individual whom I don’t quite know personally, but who shared some insights which resonated quite deeply with me nonetheless. Anyway, one of the posts he shared was …
Tag: tech news
When You’re a Victim of Identity Theft
There are some things in life we often don’t really plan for and we never really know exactly what to do should they happen to us, simply because we never really think they’d actually happen to us. You hear it happening to other people, perhaps even in their numbers and yet until it actually happens …
The Internet of Things and Security
Bar from that tech which spawned from initially being developed for the military industry, most tech is developed as a result of a bunch of peoples’ desire to make our lives a little easier and make some good money for themselves, of course. If you think that’s where it ends however, then you need to …
What Happens When You Don’t Run System Updates
It’s perhaps not too much of an issue for you if you live somewhere where your internet connection isn’t expensive or if it’s totally free, but otherwise running system updates on any of your systems which are connected to the internet in some way can really be heavy on your bandwidth and data, even if …
Shining a Light on the Dark Web – What Happens in the Shadows of the Internet
The so-called dark web which is very closely linked with what’s referred to as the deep internet or the deep web isn’t a mere myth. It actually exists and there are a lot of sinister and nefarious activities which go on in those dark embers of the World Wide Web, which are happening like clock-work. …
Safety Issues around Self-Driving Vehicles
Have you noticed how somewhere between the millennium bug that never happened and the flying cars which were forecast to be a reality by 2010, certain tech has tended to undergo readjustments in just as dramatic a fashion? Well perhaps not as dramatically and maybe in more of a low-key manner, such as the development …
Preventing Your Security Camera from Getting Hacked
Why do You Need a Security Camera in your House? A home security camera is an invaluable asset for safeguarding your property and ensuring peace of mind. By installing a security camera system, you gain the ability to monitor your home and surroundings remotely, providing a deterrent to potential intruders and enhancing overall security. These …
Picking the Brain of a Real Hacker
The term “hacker” can cause a lot of confusion amongst those who aren’t quite up to speed with the different types of hackers in existence and where the term actually originates from. Fundamentally, a hacker isn’t a bad person — a hacker isn’t someone who like in the movies sits in a dark room, types …
How Effective is Your Home Security?
Some statistics made readily available by the police make for some interesting and rather comforting reading with regard to home burglaries. They’ve definitely dropped quite considerably year-on-year and the reduction in home burglaries seems even bigger when you compare the numbers as they are now to those of ten and twenty years ago. This can …
The Importance of a Good Anti-Virus
For all the negativity encircling the internet security industry, the importance of having a good anti-virus can never be downplayed. Yes, there’s been a lot of rumours about what the source of all the viruses we have to protect ourselves from is (anti-virus developers), but be that as it may, there are some very real …